A Rap Concert and a Play: Refracted Theatre Company Presents Tambo & Bones at The Den Theatre (Through November 11, 2023)

It begins as a minstrel show. Before long, the characters snap out of it and discover they are real people trapped in the show. They spot the playwright in the audience. They drag him on stage and proceed to beat him up. Afterwards, they put on a rap show. Bones loves to rap about making big money. Tambo wants to address systematic racism in America.

Dave Harris has written a very dark comedy that is a quite unique and bizarre theatre experience that leaves the audience trying to make sense of it. In this production, there are extremely bright lights and very loud noises. Earplugs would be a good idea for the rap concert scene.

William Anthony Sebastian Rose II (Whistleblower) is intense as Tambo, always trying to address the issues of racism. Patrick Newson Jr. is excellent as Bones, on a quest to find as many quarters as he can. Lastly, Timothy Bernard Felton and Michael-Ellen (Mikey) Walden are solid in their supporting roles.

See the program here.

Cost of a ticket: $31

PlaylistHQ Economic Rating: Worth It –

Rating Scale: Exceptional Value > Worth It > Half Price > Go for Free > Don’t Bother

Get tickets now for Tambo & Bones through November 11!

Quinn Delaney

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