A Fantastic Production! Little Bear Ridge Road at Steppenwolf Theatre (Through August 4, 2024)

Ethan returns to his hometown in rural Idaho after the death of his father to settle the estate. He stays with his only remaining family member, his father’s sister, Aunt Sarah. After selling the house and paying the debts, he decides to stay because he has nothing in Seattle to go back to, he wants to take care of Sarah, and he has started to date James.

Samuel D. Hunter (The Whale, Baskets) has written a fantastically funny and deep play. The characters are fully realized and the cast does an incredible job of bringing them to life and exploring their relationships.

Laurie Metcalf (Original Steppenwolf Ensemble Member, Roseanne) is outstanding as the aunt who is so funny and likable.  Micah Stock (Brittany Runs a Marathon) is fantastic as Ethan, who is very lost in life as he tries to figure out who he is. John Drea (American Psycho, Chagall in School) is excellent as James, who is very kind and caring. Lastly, Meighan Gerachis (POTUS, Domesticated) is solid in her supporting role.

Overall, it’s a fantastic production that should not be missed. Steppenwolf has once again proved they are one of the best theatres in the country.

Cost of a ticket: $97 (Orchestra Sides)

PlaylistHQ Economic Rating: Worth It +

Rating Scale: Exceptional Value > Worth It > Discounted > Go for Free > Don’t Bother

Get tickets now for Little Bear Ridge Road through August 4th!

Quinn Delaney

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