American Rock! DeeOhGee at The Hideout (May 27, 2024)

DeeOhGee are from Nashville, TN. Their name comes from Waylon Jennings’s “Waymore’s Blues”. Tonight is their first show at The Hideout.

Early in the set, they introduce the next song by talking about the photo on the cover of their 2023 single, “Down on the Farm”. It was taken up in Wisconsin. Later on, the farmer sent them the pigs, cut up into little pieces for eating. “So, this next one is for the pigs, RIP!” says the lead singer, Matthew Paige.

Later on they play the title track of their 2021 album, “New Way of Life”. This song launches out of the gate to start and maintains it’s speed throughout. It’s a rocker that has the whole crowd dancing and having a great time.

They also play another single from 2023, “NaNaNa”. It features some great guitar. Also, it’s such a joy to sing along. “Na na na na na na na na…”.

Overall, DeeOhGee put on a fantastic show and they will surely be back in Chicago soon playing larger venues as their popularity grows!

Cost of a ticket: $24

PlaylistHQ Economic Rating: Exceptional Value

Rating Scale: Exceptional Value > Worth It > Discounted > Go for Free > Don’t Bother

Quinn Delaney

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