Genre-Splitting Indie Rock! Jam Productions Presents Barns Courtney at the Metro Chicago (November 1, 2023)

Barns Courtney and his band kick things off with a bang on “Fun Never Ends” from his 2019 album, 404. It’s a full throttle rock song with a driving beat and he keeps his foot on the gas pedal for the entire set.

A few songs later they play “Hobo Rocket” from the 2017 album, The Attractions of Youth. This song blends rock with a Beastie Boys style of hip hop. It’s impressive how well he combines these genres.

Up next is “Supernatural”, a 2022 single. This one is a fantastic rock ballad similar to the alternative rock style of Welshly Arms.

Soon afterwards, Barns Courtney hits another genre with “Little Boy”. It’s a pure folk rock jam reminiscent of a fellow English band, Mumford and Sons.

Next up is “Glitter & Gold”, which is his top track on Spotify with over 188 million streams. This one is a real rocker and it’s no surprise that it is a massive hit with it’s great sound.  

To close out the night, he plays “Fire”. Everyone sings together “Oh give me that fire / Burn, burn, burn” as he crowd surfs among his fans. It’s a fantastic closer that had just as much energy and passion as the opener. It definitely left the audience wanting more.

See a recent setlist here.

Cost of a ticket: $32.50

PlaylistHQ Economic Rating: Exceptional Value

Rating Scale: Exceptional Value > Worth It > Half Price > Go for Free > Don’t Bother

Quinn Delaney

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