Review: Another Marriage at Steppenwolf Theatre featuring Judy Greer (Through July 23, 2023)

A couple meets at college in Chicago. During the last week of the semester in December, he asks her out on a date while it is snowing. Jump forward five years and they are married with a baby. The father has become a successful author while the mother is struggling to get published.  

Kate Arrington has written a play that is full of interesting events. These make for great scenes, however, it feels like a great outline that is missing the details. It jumps from event to event without any explanation of what happened in between.

Ian Barford (Linda Vista, The Minutes) is great as the father unsure of what he is doing with his life. Judy Greer (Married, Kidding) is so likeable as the mother, who is so kind to the father, even after he what he does to her. Caroline Neff is so cute and funny as the father’s literary agent. Nicole Scimeca is solid as the narrator.

Photos by Michael Brosilow

Overall, it’s a solid production with a great cast. It has strong bones and it just needs to add a bit more meat to the story.

Cost of a ticket: $84 – $102

PlaylistHQ Economic Rating: Half Price +

Rating Scale: Exceptional Value > Worth It > Half Price > Go for Free > Don’t Bother

Get tickets now for Another Marriage through July 23rd!

Quinn Delaney

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